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Female Scientist


REACH is composed of six cores, listed below. These cores provide support to a single research project that is focused on the challenge of developing validated and adoptable tools that enable comprehensive yet routine clinical assessment and treatment of CLBP patients.


1) Administrative Core

2) Clinical Core

3) Analytics Core

4) Bio-behavioral Core

5) Pathophysiology Core

6) Physical Function and Biomechanics Core


​​​​REACH Research Project

The objectives of the REACH research project are to define

patient phenotypes, underlying pain mechanisms, and

outcome preferences that can guide treatments in individual

patients. The specific aims include:


Aim 1: Validate common data elements that characterize important

phenotypic traits in cLBP patients.

            Aim 1a – Biobehavioral tools for assessment of peripheral and

                            central pain mechanisms.

            Aim 1b – Tools for examining pathophysiology using clinical imaging and blood samples.

            Aim 1c – Tools that measure posture, movement biomechanics, physical capacity and performance.


Aim 2: Determine personalized outcome measures that constitute a clinically meaningful treatment effect for individual patients.


Aim 3: Analyze phenotypic traits, using a combination of traditional data analyses and deep learning methods, to define clinically useful cLBP phenotypes.


 â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹Integrating the Biopsychosocial Model for cLBP





































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