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Clinical Core

Doctor Operating CT Scanner

Clinical Core:  


Conor O’Neill, MDClinical Core Director, UCSF Director of the multidisciplinary spine service

Dennis Black, PhDCo-Director, Epidemiologist/Biostatistician, UCSF Head of chronic diseases division

Patricia Zheng, MDCo-Director, UCSF Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation



To identify factors associated with response to cLBP treatment and heterogeneity of treatment effects.

  1. Design/perform a prospective, multicenter, longitudinal Clinical Cohort Study, n=400, capable of supporting deep phenotyping efforts of cLBP patients based on combined biopsychosocial variables.

  2. Design/perform a large site-less Digital eCohort Study, n=5000.  This data will allow for testing and adoption of machine learning techniques reliant on large datasets to generate novel cLBP phenotyping algorithms.

  3. Develop a large central cLBP Data Warehouse (DW) to organize, integrate, maintain, and archive REACH-related data; this DW will be a pivotal data resource for the REACH research project, other members of the BACPAC consortium, and future cLBP researchers.





comeBACK Study

Longitudinal multicenter cohort


4 clinical sites (UCSF, UCD, UCI, UCSD)

Annual clinic visits up to 2 years of follow up

Regular phone and email follow-up visits



NIH Pain Consortium minimum dataset


MRI (quantitative, MRS, clinical)

Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST)

Physical function testing (Kinect, Actigraphy, physical therapist assessment)

Genetic/biomarker testing & biospecimen archive



BackHome Study




Enrollment/eConsent & potential f/u online-only

Collection of self-reported data and EHR data



NIH Pain Consortium minimum dataset


eREACH Engagement Platform

INVEST:  IncreasiNg diVErSiTy Study

A study for the improvement of racial and ethnic minority participation in low back pain research


Brief online survey to learn more about the experiences of chronic low back pain among racial and ethnic minorities 

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