Physical Function and Biomechanics Core

Physical Function and Biomechanics Core:
Jeannie Bailey, PhD - PFB Core Director, UCSF Orthopaedic Surgery, Assistant Professor
William Marras, PhD - Co-Director, OSU Mechanical Engineering, Professor
Matthew Smuck, MD - Co-Director, Stanford Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Rob Matthew, PhD, MEng - PFB Core Technical Director, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science
Anastasia Keller, PhD - Postdoctoral Scholar, Neurological Surgery
To provide, maintain, and support state-of-the-art tools for non-invasive physical function and biomechanical assessment.
To develop and support novel quantitative tools for assessment of physical function and biomechanics.
To provide interpretation of data and assess links between diverse activity and biomechanical metrics collected and to the relevant clinical or experimental endpoints.
To provide a webportal and forums for stimulating collaboration, learning, and improving upon our current approaches where we will present new research and technology innovation to the REACH and BACPAC communities.
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